Art is basic to the educated life and mind. The need for the aesthetic experience is as old as mankind. It creates a foundation for all areas of knowledge and judgment.
As technology expands, the job market for the design and creation of new products is expanding. Students trained in art-related skills can be assured of greater opportunities within the expanding job market. As our leisure time increases, the need for other activities also increases. Skills learned in an art class can be used and enjoyed throughout a student's life.
Art classes at Menomonie High School are set up to provide experiences related to personal, professional, and class goals. The specific emphasis and order of events are subject to the individual needs, abilities, and talents of the individual to discover their greatest potential for self-expression and gratification.
We offer a variety of different classes and encourage more involvement through art club and provided art contests/competitions.
With the nature of our curriculum, students will be allowed to take an advanced class in each area, except photography. The advanced courses allow for more exploration and development of skills acquired in the beginning classes.
Selections from the projects completed in each art class will be on display in various locations in school and community throughout each semester. Our art show this spring will provide the opportunity for every student in art to display at least one of their pieces to share with the community.
Department Staff:
Nicole Seidler

email: [email protected]
*Beginning Ceramics
*Advanced Ceramics
*Beginning 3-D Art
*Advanced 3-D Art
*Advanced 2-D Art
*AP Studio Art
Chealsey Gerth

email: [email protected]
*Beginning 2-D Art