School Administration

The MHS Community ensures learning, caring, and responsibility for ALL!

Main Office
Principal Casey Drake 715-232-5425
  [email protected]
Assistant Principal Susan Mommsen 715-232-2609 

susan[email protected]  ext.41003

 Assistant Principal  Storm Harmon 715-232-2609
   storm[email protected]  ext. 40111
Principal's Secretary
Julie Neubrand 715-232-2609 
  [email protected]  ext.41002
Attendance  Christa Ogden 715-232-2993
 Secretary [email protected]  
Student Services Linda Jolicoeur 715-232-2609 
  [email protected]  ext.40137
 Activities/Community Matthew Riley  715-232-5420
Education Director [email protected]  
Activities Assistant Martha Peabody 715-232-2609  ext.41102
Health  NKauj(Zong) Vang 715-232-2609 
 Services Assistant [email protected]  ext.40105