Every individual has a natural need for basic skills in the area of mathematics. From the everyday use of basic arithmetic to the advanced fields of mathematics research, all are either involved or affected by the world of mathematics.
Students will have the opportunity to pursue their mathematics education along the lines of their greatest interests and to the utmost of their abilities. Whether the students' interests are vocational or academic in nature, some degree of proficiency in mathematics will be of benefit.
Menomonie High School students must complete 3.0 credits of math to meet high school graduation requirements. Students may double up in math within a school year, upon prior approval of the math department teacher and chair. Students planning on post-secondary education should pay close attention to college entrance requirements. Transcripted courses are designated with - TC after the title.
Registration Handbook Go to the Registration Handbook to see the Course Sequencing and Course Descriptions to aid in the registration process. Please contact any member of the Math Department with questions.
*Computer Science I and II are each full-year courses that earn 1 elective credit.
*Please note: Wisconsin’s UW colleges require Algebra, Geometry, and a math level higher than Geometry, such as Algebra II.

Department Staff: Department Video: Math