AP Studio Art

PREREQUISITE: Beginning and Advanced 2-D OR 3-D classes are required. Permission from instructor is required. 

Available for Grades: 11, 12
Credit: 1.0

The Advanced Studio Art course enables highly motivated students to perform at the college level while still in high school. Students will create a portfolio during the year to be reviewed by the College Board. The portfolio should be the culminating project in a projects secondary visual arts training.  Each portfolio requires three distinct sections, designed to assess different aspects of student performance. The sections require the student to demonstrate quality/skill, written reflection, and proof of synthesis. All of these qualities make up a students' concentration. Half of the course work is done outside of class time. 

Requirement: All students need to purchase their own 8.5" x 11" sketchbook. Any non-traditional materials will be the students' responsibility to purchase. Examples include: Circle boards, slabs of wood, metal, etc.